Our Family

Our Family

Friday, September 24, 2010

I Have the BEST Co-Workers

I've always known how incredibly blessed I am to work at the school I work. My favorite part about it is that everyone is like a family and pulls together for anyone in need. It's a true blessing! Well, today I was on the receiving end of this.

Sam emailed me and told me that she'd be coming over to drop something off at 2:30. Check out the pictures of what she brought:

How amazing is that?!?! If you can't tell, the poster says, "We are going crazy without Miss Kelly" and all of my sweet kids signed it. They took a picture making silly faces. Oh man do I miss them!!! I couldn't figure out how to turn the picture so it would show correctly :(

The basket included tons of goodies: sweet cards, books (encouragement and fiction), magazines, gift cards, home cooked dinner coupons, scrapbooking supplies, puzzles, a nail kit, stress relieving lotion, word searches, and more!

Needless to say, this definitely put a smile on my face!


  1. How wonderful is that!!! I know you can't wait for Karaline to get here :) So exciting!!!!!

  2. Kelly, I just hopped over to your blog and read through all that's going on. I will be praying for you and sweet Karaline! I'm sure it will not take long to start going stir-crazy, so I just pray that God gives you patience as He finishes His work on your precious baby. It will be SO worth it all once you are holding her! Keep posting updates and post a picture of your belly!


  3. Thanks, Brittany! We totally appreciate the prayers :) Every time I start to have a pity party, she gives a little kick, and I'm quickly reminded that this is not so bad.
