Our Family

Our Family

Friday, December 17, 2010

This and That...

I still can't believe how quickly time goes. We've settled nicely into our daily routines, and I'm loving every minute that I have with Karaline. It hit me the other day that I'm going to have to go back to work in less than a month, and while I love my job, I must admit that I am dreading that day. I am going to be a total wreck when it's time to leave her. I can easily spend the entire day holding her, looking at her, and playing with her. It's going to be tough. I keep telling myself that lots of people do this each and every day and it's going to be fine. I know that it will be a good experience for Karaline to get used to someone besides me caring for her. She's going to be well taken care of and loved I know.

We're getting ready for Christmas...kind of...I've only bought one gift so far. Major slacker this year but I think I have a good excuse :} Our church asked us to be Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus on Christmas Eve. Joey is excited because he was baby Jesus, too. Pictures to come.

I'll leave you with 2 pictures that I took on her 1 month birthday...tear...


  1. I love the birthday hat in these photos. I also love her face in the second one- priceless! It's going to be an amazing Christmas for you guys this year. Enjoy all of these firsts.

  2. She is just beautiful! Just like her Mom :)
