Joey and I are anxiously awaiting Tuesday, July 6 when we go our our next ultrasound. We cannot wait to find out our baby's gender! I'm ready to start planning, buying, decorating, etc. All along, I've been thinking that we're having a girl. Joey's been thinking (or hoping) we're having a boy :) The other day I told him that I'm starting to think we may be having a boy. Then, he tells me, he's starting to think we're having a girl! Sheesh!!! Either way, we're just ready to know. AND, I don't appreciate people's negative comments about the baby not cooperating and showing his/her stuff. :) Just kidding, but please, send some positive thoughts our way. Surely the baby wants to reveal him/herself so his/her Daddy and Mama can prepare!
It's surreal to think that next week, we'll be at our half way point...overwhelming!!!
Other than being anxious, I'm doing well. I feel great and do as little as I want. AHHH, the joys of summer. I'm thankful to have my friend Sam living close by. We go for walks around the lake. I also bought a pregnancy yoga video. I've never tried yoga before, and well, let's just say it's an experience for me. I'm not exactly the most coordinated person and yoga is a great reminder to me. I've only done it once (and not even all the way through), but I do have high hopes that I will become more proficient with it.
In other news, Joey and I are joining a church on Sunday. We've been visiting this church for a while and I am more than happy to finally be a part of a church family. They are very welcoming. We're excited to see what God has in store for us here.
I'll post again on Tuesday :) Until then, Happy 4th of July. Thankful for our freedom, thankful for our country, thankful for the men and women who serve.
Happy Father's Day!
10 years ago
Love your blog and love you! I can't wait to start buying that baby some goodies either! Hurry up Tuesday!!!