Here it is another month has gone by and I've not updated, but as the saying goes, "Time flies!" I think as a parent you begin to truly understand this statement. School is out for summer-yippee!- and I have been super busy trying to keep up with Karaline. She is a busy girl. She is crawling EVERYWHERE and getting into EVERYTHING!!! It's crazy how quickly she went from immobile to fully mobile. She can also stand up on just about anything and is beginning to "cruise" by holding on to something and walk.
Probably my favorite thing that she can do is wave. It is the cutest thing. Joey went away for the weekend and when he came home he woke her up. When she saw him, her face lit up and she began to wave. Sweetest thing ever!
Probably my favorite thing that she can do is wave. It is the cutest thing. Joey went away for the weekend and when he came home he woke her up. When she saw him, her face lit up and she began to wave. Sweetest thing ever!
Karaline loves other kids. She has kids at her sitter's house and she just talks and talks to them. She desperately wants to get down and play with them, too. On Saturday we had a get together with our church group and Karaline attacked two of the kids. She gets excited and grabs with full force whatever she can get a hold of - unfortunately, both times it was their hair! She then tries to pull them in for a kiss. The little boy was a champ and didn't complain at fact, I think he liked it. The little girl, however, instantly began to cry. Sooo sad :( She didn't want to play with Karaline after that either.
So, Joey and I are taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Class. The other day while I was cleaning, Karaline pulled the box out and began to move it on her journeys around the house. I took this picture of her and said that I'll send it to Dave when we can say, "We are debt free!" :) I think he'd like that.

I'm loving being home with Karaline and am enjoying being able to be a stay at home mom for the summer. August will be tough!